Human Resource Development in Laos

Logistics Human Resource Development in Laos

In cooperation with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, we conducted Intensive Course on Logistics Operation and Networking to provide practical logistics knowledge and specialized skills.

Annual Performance Overview Table

Fiscal Year(Period)NumberTraining LocationTraining Content
(7th period)
42National University of LaosLogistics Overview
Logistics Operation
40Public Works and Transport Institute(PTI)
(6th period)
49National University of LaosLogistics Overview
Logistics Operation
50Public Works and Transport Institute(PTI)
(5th period)
42National University of Laos
※Held online
Logistics Overview
Logistics Operation
51Public Works and Transport Training Institute(PTTI)
※Held online
(4th period)
63National University of Laos
※Held online
Logistics Overview
Logistics Operation
2020Postponed it due to the impact of the novel coronavirus infection.
(3rd period)
31Public Works and Transport Training Institute(PTTI)Logistics Overview
Logistics Operation
48National University of Laos
(2nd period)
25Public Works and Transport Training Institute(PTTI)Logistics Overview
Logistics Operation
55National University of Laos
(1st period)
30Public Works and Transport Training Institute(PTTI)Logistics Overview
Logistics Operation
50National University of Laos

Scene of the Lecture

Laos Vehicle Maintenance Technology Training

Vehicle maintenance technology training was conducted for Lao vehicle maintenance technicians to learn Japanese maintenance technology.

Annual Performance Overview Table


Fiscal Year(Period)Number Training LocationTraining Content

2016(8th period)

5ThailandVehicle Maintenance
2015(7th period)5ThailandVehicle Maintenance
2014(6th period)5ThailandVehicle Maintenance
2013(5th period)5ThailandVehicle Maintenance
2012(4th period)5ThailandVehicle Maintenance
2011(3rd period)5ThailandVehicle Maintenance
2010(2nd period)5ThailandVehicle Maintenance
2009(1st period)3ThailandVehicle Maintenance
20081JapanLogistics/Corporate Management
20071JapanLogistics/Corporate Management


Scene of Vehicle Maintenance Technology Training